Monday 12 March 2018

Pinterest Inspired Home Ideas - on a budget.

If like me your Pinterest obsessed you will of lost several nights sleep...

You get into bed and start the obligatory scroll through of various apps, you think its only 11 pm  I'll just have a look on Pinterest till half past and then I'll go to sleep.  The next time you look at the clock its 3 am!! Where does the time go? Do we enter some mysterious vortex? After having a panic attack when I realise I am up in 4 hours I turn my phone off but cant sleep because my heads buzzing full of ideas!
So lessons learnt I only Pinterest at weekends now - just in case!

So this weekend I was on a mission to find inspiration for my fireplace mantle, after all the fire place is the main focal point in any room.
I look in the fancy home magazines and look at all the grand mantle decor in awe. I'm always on a budget and everything in the fancy mags cost a fortune and unfortunately a fortune is what I haven't got!
So I turned to my trusty Pinterest.

After whiling away a couple of hours there was one picture I kept going back to, a picture I liked and thought yeah this is do able! So I set myself a challenge to style my mantle on a budget, and here is the end result... I have to say I am rather pleased with myself!




I already had my mirror (originally from Dunelm Mill £75.00), my checked throw (e-bay £14.99) 
small filled cushion (The Range £4.99), candles (The Range £1.49) and candle sticks (e-bay auction £7.00), small ceramic bird 99p and white pottery bottle 75p both in the Dunelm Mill sale.
The Lantern was originally from a set of two (The Range £11.99), the quote card in the corner of the mirror was a gift and my Alexa (love her!), echo dot was from £39.99

The rest of the items I purchased to update my mantles look where from Dunelm Mill, e-bay and The Range and cost a grand total of £31.17p!! - Super happy!


Copper Jug e-bay £3.49
          Heart Garland e-bay £4.99

Mr & Mrs Wooden Letters e-bay £2.79

The following items can be purchased from

Pussy Willow Stem £1.29 each
Wooden Home Sign £5.00

Wire Basket £8.00

Items below from

Scented Candles £1.49

Copper Coloured Lantern £2.99

💞  KarensLife©2018

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